School Without Walls student Kima Oudit is interning with Joy of Motion Dance Center’s Program Manager for Education and Outreach Quynn Johnson this Fall. The internship is part of the […]
Name: Quynn Johnson Title: Program Manager for Education and Outreach Hometown: Flint, Michigan What do you do for JOMDC: Create awesome arts education programs in the Washington, DC area Best […]
By Quynn Johnson, Program Manager, Education and Outreach Motion Express, one of Joy of Motion Dance Center’s Project Motion Community Outreach Programs, brings our award-winning brand of dance education for […]
Step Ahead is Joy of Motion Dance Center’s free summer outreach program, which offers an engaging arts experience for 50 teens at our Atlas studios in Northeast D.C. Step Ahead […]
Seeing that only one school in the District of Columbia Public School system has federal funding for dance programming, Joy of Motion Dance Center stepped in with Motion Express. This […]
Five months from now, 50 DC teens will fill the three studios of our Atlas location five days a week in Step Ahead, our summer job skills and dance intensive […]
For the past six weeks, Joy of Motion Dance Center’s Atlas studios have been ringing with the sounds of 50 teens from all over Washington, DC. They have been dancing […]
“You all have tickets. We’re boarding this plane. We’re going on a trip around the world.” This is how Outreach Manager Quynn Johnson introduced our spring Motion Expressions concert on […]
by Quynn Johnson Our Motion Express youth outreach program has a new partner in the shiny, new Watha T. Daniel-Shaw Neighborhood Library at the corner of 7th and Rhode Island […]
DC Sumemr jobs program ends Friday, starts again.