by Marketing Intern Rachael Appold In honor of International Day of the Girl earlier this week, JOMDC wanted to delve into the history of women and girls in dance. […]
by Marketing Intern Rachael Appold Joy of Motion Dance Center has a new kid in town, and his name is Jared Porter! Jared has joined JOMDC this Fall and he’s […]
by Marketing Intern Molly Baldovin Graduate college, find a job, move out of your parents’ house, and start your own life. Many post-grads find themselves thinking these thoughts. Discovering a new […]
Samba Drum Solo Spring Studio to Stage Performance Class begins on April 13! Adriane Whalen is a co-director of the Nomad Dancers, a Resident Arts Partner of JOMDC. The Nomads […]
Celebrating African American Women & Dance: What I Learned by Teara Veney age 13 Monday, February 8, 2016, First Lady Michelle Obama hosted a masterclass to celebrate African American women […]