The Step Ahead Dance Ensemble stepped into the new school year with their first class on Monday, September 12th. The program is Joy of Motion Dance Center’s training and performing ensemble […]
You can now see three members of our summer Step Ahead program interviewed on DCTV throughout the next month. Our primary Step Ahead funder, the DC Children and Youth Investment […]
For the past six weeks, Joy of Motion Dance Center’s Atlas studios have been ringing with the sounds of 50 teens from all over Washington, DC. They have been dancing […]
Miya Hisaka is a Joy of Motion Dance Center faculty member and Founder/Director of JOMDC adult ballet company Classical Repertory Dance Theatre. She currently teaches ballet and modern adult drop-in […]
Want to find out how you can improve your dance audition experience and impress your judges? Alana Hill, Director of Joy of Motion Dance Center’s Youth Hip Hop Performance Company […]
Jamile McGee has performed and danced around the United States and internationally since his debut on Fox TV’s “So You Think You Can Dance?” In addition to working with choreographers […]
“You all have tickets. We’re boarding this plane. We’re going on a trip around the world.” This is how Outreach Manager Quynn Johnson introduced our spring Motion Expressions concert on […]
What’s better than performing at the Kennedy Center? How about starting and ending that same week by seeing your dance idols perform and then meeting them? Bookending their performance on […]